Advent with Anselm 1: On the Incarnation

I think this may qualify as the most theologically nerdy post ever – but please do bear with me! This isn’t me getting excited over something irrelevant, but on how the wisdom of a medieval theologian can help us anticipate Christmas well, by thinking through what Anslem says about the incarnation itself. Brief digression: WhoContinue reading “Advent with Anselm 1: On the Incarnation”

Review: Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund

I didn’t want to like this book. Normally, someone overtly raving about a book puts me off. Yet I know that’s petty, so I embarked on this book over the summer. I didn’t like this book. It made some very strange claims – that I still think need to be reconciled better to our doctrineContinue reading “Review: Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund”